Thursday, April 4, 2024

Enhancing collaboration between AWC and Core partners

There is a growing emphasis on improved collaboration and communication regarding anticipated aviation hazards to ensure a uniform aviation forecast across the National Weather Service (NWS). Participants at the AWT Spring Experiment are navigating what this collaboration may look like as a new forecast desk, National Aviation Operations Center (NAOC), within the operations at AWC.

Throughout the week, participants are simulating some of the tasks that may be done by an AWC lead forecaster at the NAOC desk and providing feedback based on the utility of the collaboration for their own operations. One major task for the forecasters is to develop and conduct a mock national collaboration call targeted for internal NWS aviation forecasters to ensure we are drawing the same picture regarding weather impacts to the NAS. Utilizing a new “briefing tool” on the testbed website, our participants collected the information they thought would be most useful for our CWSU partners and presented a mock call. Participants discussed the timing of these calls and how they might affect our partners differently from mornings on the east coast in the swing of things to the west coast still waking up.

AWC lead forecaster Joey Welsh working on creating a collaboration call briefing package

Participants are also exploring how AWC might create a decision support graphic depicting the “Key Aviation Message” of the day. This graphic is aimed towards providing general aviation pilots a targeted picture of major impacts within the NAS. While exploring different tools to create a graphic, the participants spent time honing in on what they considered the most major impact and how to relay this information to the GA community.

Monday, April 1, 2024

AWT Spring Experiment 2024 is Ready to Welcome Guests

Tomorrow starts the first day of the 2024 AWT Spring Experiment. This year the AWT is running two different “mini” experiments, one in the spring and one in the summer, in order to separate the different areas of focus and really hone in on each focal point. This spring, the AWT is welcoming meteorologists from various Center Weather Service Units and Forecast Offices, Global Systems Lab (GSL), Alaska Aviation Weather Unit (AAWU)/Alaska Region, Environmental Modeling Center (EMC), Southwest Airlines, and the FAA Weather Division to assist in assessing products and offer valuable insights and expertise.

GTG data available on the testbed webpage with an example G-AIRMET overlaid

This spring the participants will have two main areas of focus: evaluating the Rapid Refresh Forecast System while creating experimental G-AIRMETs on the testbed website, and providing insight on how AWC can enhance their collaboration to core partners by investigating the viability of a National Aviation Operations Center (NAOC) desk deployed within operations at AWC.

AWC Forecaster providing weather information for aviation partners